Puppies Week 3

There are a lot of pictures on this page so it may take a while to download. Please be patient. A special thanks to Betsy Smith (Firesmith Dalmatians) for being the photographer.

More Week 3 Pictures

{short description of image}

 Liver and white male
 {short description of image}  {short description of image}
 {short description of image}
Black and white female
 {short description of image}  {short description of image}
 {short description of image}
Liver and white male
 {short description of image}  {short description of image}
 {short description of image}
Liver and white female
 {short description of image}  {short description of image}
 {short description of image}
Black and white female
 {short description of image}  {short description of image}
 {short description of image}
Black and white male
 {short description of image}  {short description of image}
 {short description of image}
Liver and white female
 {short description of image}  {short description of image}
 {short description of image}
Liver and white male
 {short description of image}  {short description of image}
 {short description of image}
Black and white male
 {short description of image}  {short description of image}
 {short description of image}
Black and white female
 {short description of image}  {short description of image}
 {short description of image}
Black and white male
 {short description of image}  {short description of image}

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Unless otherwise noted all the photographs, images, animations, etc. on this page and any other page of this website are copyrighted and cannot be used without written permission from the copyright owner Kathy McCoubrey.